If you’re using Instagram, then you probably know about the stories feature. Instagram Stories give you the chance to create content that expires after 24 hours and show it to followers without them having to follow you back or check your profile. For example, if you’re on vacation or live somewhere where you have interesting things going on all the time, it’s easy to start creating stories so that your friends and family can see what you’re up to without constantly asking you about it or refreshing your profile hoping to see something new there.
How to view Instagram stories offline
Instagram stories let you capture and share your day with friends and followers in real time. However, Instagram stories aren’t saved forever, so if you miss a story while it’s live, then you can never watch it again. Thankfully, there are ways to view them offline as well. Keep reading to learn how to save Instagram stories on your phone or laptop and watch them whenever—or however—you want!
How to save photos and videos from Instagram Stories
Instagram launched a new feature for iOS users last year that allows you to save photos and videos from your friends’ stories without them knowing. This can be a great way to keep copies of what your friends are sharing on their Instagram feeds while they continue posting new content. It’s also useful if you want to save images that other people have posted but deleted before their stories expire. In order to use Instagram story viewer, all you need is
How to use Instagram stories on PC
The Instagram app for PC isn’t available. But you can still view your Instagram stories on a computer by logging in to your account and navigating to stories from your profile page. Click Stories at the top of your screen, and then click See First. This will show you all of your Instagram stories as they are posted, so you don’t have to wait until later to see them! You can also click through Instagram story highlights from people you follow.
How does it work
Instagram added a new feature, called Instagram story viewer, that makes it easier for users to swipe through their friends’ stories without having to pull up Instagram. By simply visiting your profile page and tapping View Stories in your activity log, you can view a list of friends who have shared stories recently.
Why do we need it?
Instagram story viewer is a tool for anyone with Instagram account who would like to view their stories and other’s stories. This can be beneficial if you miss a story from one of your favorite Instagramers or even from celebrities or companies that post on Instagram all of their content. You may have thought that there was no way to go back and see it, but fortunately you were wrong! There’s always a solution to everything, and in most cases, it’s not as hard as you think.
Is it working for you or not?
Instagram stories have become a big hit with many users and brands. But what do you get from Instagram story viewer, or rather how can it be used as a brand engagement tool? Let’s find out! How to view your own Instagram stories: First of all, let’s take a look at how to view your own story. To access your own stories, open up your profile on Instagram and click on ‘Stories’. Then you will see three different options: ‘Your Story’, ‘Explore’ and ‘Recent’. If you want to see more recent stories in your feed, just click on Recent. If you want to explore other people’s stories that are not in your feed yet (because they’re new), just click on Explore. And if you want to watch your own Stories that were posted yesterday or earlier, just click on Your Story.
So, if you want to engage your audience with a cool feature and let them know what’s going on in your life, share photos & videos from inside your Instagram stories! Be sure to remember about not just posting anything. Remember about adding emotions and details that would be interesting for others. Your story has only 24 hours, so make it count! Have fun using it 🙂 … And never forget to use some great hashtags in your bio while you are at it. In a nutshell: there is no secret – as always, practice makes perfect!