A car accident attorney will usually tell how long a settlement will take shortly after signing up for the case. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, contact the Las Vegas car accident lawyer for a free consultation, who will explain your legal options and help you get the most money possible.
Two primary aspects go into answering the question of the time required for settling the case:
1)The nature of the damage
2)The policy’s limitations
Let us check both in detail:
1) Type of Damage:
If your injury is severe and will have LONG-TERM RESULTS, it is not advisable to try to settle your case within the first year following the event. You’ll want to include compensation for a LIFETIME of pain and suffering or loss of use of whatever body part you hurt in your settlement claim. And until at least a year after the accident, doctors in Las Vegas would not be able to tell you what percentage of your loss is or even whether you have a permanent loss. They claim that the body can continue to mend for at least a year after an injury.
The doctor would not know the ultimate results of the procedure for at least another six months if you have surgery to fix the bodily part. Furthermore, the insurance company will require confirmation of permanency from the doctor before agreeing to pay for permanency compensation.
2) The policy’s limitations:
Suppose you have a severe injury and your insurance policy limits are low. In that case, you can usually settle your case fast since the insurance company will see that the injury is worth at least the policy’s maximum payout.
Vehicle insurance firms frequently make an initial offer. Generally, it is not recommended to take it if it is too low or we don’t know the full degree of the injuries or their long-term consequences. If you accept the settlement offer, you must sign a “release” stating that you would never sue for extra money. As a result, accepting the settlement is a wrong choice unless it is fair and you are confident there will be no long-term, irreversible injuries.
Car accidents rarely just “happen.” Almost always, they are caused by a driver’s failure to follow traffic rules and negligence or carelessness. Driver distraction from cell phones, GPS navigators, texting, or other electronic gadgets is causing an increasing number of car accidents.