A Transitional Resident Visa (TRV), also referred to as a Canadian visitor visa or travel visa, is a document that issued by a Canadian visa online office that is set up to identify you have fulfilled the requirements to enter Canada as a permanent resident (as a foreigner, understudy, or professional).
Information for a Canada Visa application
The candidate must present the Canadian visa application form.
Two large visa images with matt or semi-matt finish, 60% -80% face, white and no line (Size: 35mm x 45mm)
Photo details:
- The candidate must indicate the name and date of birth on the back of the photograph.
- Photographs must not be older than 90 days, must not be inspected/recorded and must not be used on past visas.
The cover letter separates from the candidate on the company’s letterhead indicating his or her name, grant, visa number, purpose and duration of the visit to summarize the contents. The letter must be duly endorsed by the authorized signatory with the seal of the profession and must address ‘The Visa Officer, Canadian High Commission, New Delhi.’
The cover letter is the company’s letterhead if the candidate is freelance and on a standard paper for when he or she is an employee of a particular profession.
The bank reflects the changes of the last few years, including credit card / Support for foreign transactions/travel expenses/securities / securities/employment benefits.
What is an ETA (or Electronic Visa) for Canada?
As part of its partnership with the United States to ensure that the lines of the two nations are secure, from August 2015, Canada began a Visa Waiver program for some exempt nations. Visas allow citizens to travel to Canada by applying for an electric tour. Approval is the same everywhere, which is known as Canada ETA.
Canada tourist visa fills out an ETA in the Waiver Fund for non -citizens of certain nationalities (Visa Exemption) who can travel to Canada without obtaining a Visa from the Canadian Embassy or Consulate but visit the Land on the ETA for Canada can be applied for and found online.
The Canadian ETA plays the same function as the Canada Visa but is much easier to obtain and faster to communicate. Canada is eligible for ETA for business, travel or tourism as well.
The duration of your ETA is not the same as the duration of residence. Although ETA is suitable for a very long time, it cannot be for more than half a year. You can enter Canada at any time within a reasonable period of time.
It is a quick process that requires you to fill out an ETA Application Form online; this can take only five (5) minutes. Canada is awarded an ETA after the application form is completed and paid for by the candidates online.
Who can apply for ETA for Canada
- Citizens of other nationalities are exempt from obtaining a visa to travel to Canada and must apply for an ETA in Canada.
- Citizens of Canada and United States must have their Canadian or U.S citizenship Visa to travel to Canada. Eligible U.S. residents, such as those, who holds a Green Card, should apply for a Canadian ETA.
- Those visitors travelling to Canada by air, business or flight will need to apply for an ETA in Canada.