Everyone is conscious of the current situation, and everyone is depressed as a result of the COVID-19 situation. COVID-19 has largely infected the entire planet, although there are a few lucky five to ten countries that are COVID-19-free. COVID-19 has had an impact not only on industry and the economy of the country, but also on the lives of students. Many nations, as we have seen, are still forced to close schools, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions. Even so, many countries are already in a state of lockdown. As a result, it had an effect on everyone.
It is said that every hundred years a pandemic comes and affects whole world Every century, a pandemic wreaks havoc on the planet, and it’s possible that coronavirus is being prodded by fate in this cycle. Let’s go back in time. In 1720, the world was struck by a pandemic known as the ‘plague.’ In 1820, the world was rocked by cholera. In 1920, this was followed by the Spanish flu and in 2020 there comes a coronavirus.
As the COVID-19 pandemic reaches its second year, many people are wondering when life will return to its pre-coronavirus state. Of course, history isn’t a perfect predictor of what the future holds. However, the way Americans recovered from the previous pandemic may provide insight into how life will be post-pandemic this time.
The 1918 influenza pandemic, like COVID-19, struck hard and quick, going from a few confirmed cases in a few cities to a national epidemic in a matter of weeks. In an effort to keep the disease under control, several communities issued many rounds of different closure orders, corresponding to the ebbs and flows of their epidemics. People have to maintain social distancing so that number of coronavirus cases will decline and in starting people did social distancing and most of the countries got rid of first wave but when things got some normal people again came and don’t follow any instructions and now most of the countries are affected by 2nd or 3rd wave of coronavirus.
Officials had warned the country that cases and deaths would most likely continue for months. However, the burden of public health now rested on individual responsibility rather than regulation. The pandemic continued to spread, resulting in a third deadly wave that lasted through the spring of 1919, followed by a fourth wave in the winter of 1920. Some officials blamed reckless Americans for the resurgence. Others dismissed the recent cases, focusing instead on more routine public health issues such as other illnesses, restaurant inspections, and sanitation.
According to the research of essay writing services in Pakistan, After sweeping through 114 countries in three months and infecting over 118,000 people, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 virus to be a pandemic on March 11, 2020. And the spread wasn’t even close to being done. The virus spread beyond Chinese borders to nearly every country in the world due to the lack of a vaccine. It had infected more than 75 million people and killed more than 1.6 million people by December 2020. The number of new cases was increasing at a higher rate than ever before, with an average of over 500,000 registered per day. Today, coronavirus cases are 158,238,213.